| Chinese Communist Party threatened by growth of the ChurchChina (MNN) — Early Rain Covenant Church is an underground church in China, but one that had been getting very active online. They caught the attention of the Chinese government, who raided the church in 2018. One of the elders, Qin Defu is still being held in prison. So why is this Church such a threat to the Communist Party? Greg Musselman of Voice of the Martyrs Canada says, “Really what the government is looking to do is if you were Chinese, you'd go along with the communist government, their ideology, the church, and Christianity is often seen as Western. But it's also seen as being not conforming along to Chinese culture. So, the fact that the churches are in existence and have grown by, you know, millions, that is probably the greatest revival in all history.” Musselman cites studies saying there could be as many as 200 million Christians in China by the year 2030. Again, [with] COVID-19, we've seen how this has been used all over the church, whether it's North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, India, and you know, even in China. Christians, because they're not followers of the state ideology, they're being withheld food and aid.” Pray for Christians suffering in China, that they would know they are not alone, and that Christ would comfort them. Call to action- Pray that Qin Defu would be released from prison back to his family.
- Pray that Christ would comfort his people in China.
- Ask God to continue building His church in China, against the opposition from the Communist Party.