| In This Issue: Summer camp in refugee camps? Yes, and it’s out of a truck. | Egypt and Turkey threaten war in Libya | Uganda opens its border to refugees | Mission India provides aid as COVID-19 ravages the country | South Korea Bible launch saga continues as officials target ministry | | |
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|  | Summer camp in refugee camps? Yes, and it’s out of a truck.Lebanon (MNN) -- Social distancing and pandemic prevention mean most summer kids’ programs are a no-go. But according to Tom Atema of Heart for Lebanon, it’s still important to give kids hope. During most summers, they share Christ’s message in refugee camps through their “Hope On Wheels” truck. The ongoing global pandemic has limited those interactions, but Heart for Lebanon is working to provide digital solutions. Ask God to move kids in Lebanon and around the world to His hope. Call to action- Pray for kids looking for hope in Lebanon.
- Ask God to ease the suffering and struggle of kids in refugee camps.
- Thank Him for the perseverance and courage of kids continuing to hold activities in this difficult time.
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|  | Egypt and Turkey threaten war in LibyaLibya (MNN) — Hostilities between Egypt and Turkey have ramped up in recent weeks as the countries vie for oil-rich areas of Libya. Greg Musselman of Voice of the Martyrs Canada explains the situation. “What's happening is you've got the Christians in Libya, who have no religious freedom, and they're always in danger and underground and difficulty there. You have the Turkish Christians and the Egyptian Christians in those various countries. So, both Islamic countries, Turkey and Egypt, are coming at each other in Libya and fighting for control of that area, which of course is very strategic. And then the Christians are getting caught in the middle of all this.” If a conflict breaks out, the biggest loser will be Libya. Musselman encourages Christians to pray for the safety of their Libyan brothers and sisters. “It's a small Christian community. And yet, of course, it is rooted in such history in North Africa, to the beginning of the Church. It looks as if the church has been decimated, but we can tell you that there is a growing church in Libya, there are people coming to know the Lord.” It’s disheartening for Christians living in Turkey and Egypt to see their governments leading them into war. Pray that God will give these believers wisdom as they navigate living in these countries while still giving full allegiance to Jesus Christ. Call to action- Pray that Christians in Egypt and Turkey will have wisdom to navigate being citizens and followers of Christ.
- Ask God to protect Christians in Libya, and help the Church grow.
- Pray that Egypt and Turkey would come to peaceful solutions.
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|  | Uganda opens its border to refugeesUganda (MNN) — Uganda has temporarily opened its border with the Democratic Republic of Congo to people fleeing ethnic violence. An estimated 10,000 people have been stuck in no man’s land between the borders since March when COVID-19 hit. Bill Passons of AMG International says, “They're just trying to take some of the things that they've learned, testing and being more strict at this time. But anytime that you open and thousands and thousands of people are coming in, obviously, it increases the risk dramatically.” Uganda has handled COVID-19 very well, with no confirmed deaths. “Uganda is now allowing us to meet with people one on one and up to five people at a time. Some of the older kids, we’re kind of coordinating them, to come to the centers, to have discussions, to offer counseling to try to help them to, to navigate these times.” These often-desperate times give AMG an opportunity to image Christ in the way they stay engaged with students and their families. “It definitely has been an opportunity for Gospel conversations, and we're doing that. But again, it's not a new start. It's just a continuation of the conversation that we've been having with all the people that we've been working with now for decades in Uganda.” Call to action- Pray that COVID-19 cases will stay low in Uganda.
- Ask God to use AMG International's ministry in Uganda to bring many to Christ.
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|  | Mission India provides aid as COVID-19 ravages the countryIndia (MNN) — India has opened one of the largest hospitals in the world to fight COVID-19 as it continues to ravage the capital city of Delhi. With the virus spreading throughout the country, Mission India has concentrated on relief efforts. Erik Morsehead says, “We've distributed over 65,000 Relief Kits. So that equates to 65,000 families that were given Relief Kits that provide food for a family of four for four weeks, and then masks, hand sanitizer, and vitamins to help kind of keep people healthy and the virus at bay.” Mission India has been distributing these kits all over the country, and not just in the larger cities, which have been the hardest hit. Morsehead says rural areas have been experiencing spreads as well. Migrant workers carried the virus home with them after the cities were locked down. “When the shutdown happened, they weren't able to earn money. If they're not able to earn money they're not able to eat. These Relief Kits have just provided so much on the humanitarian side of things. But it's also enabled us to really show the Gospel.” Morsehead says many of the relief kits contain a declaration of the love of Jesus. As this ministry continues, pray that many would embrace Jesus as their Lord and that COVID-19 would be contained in India. Call to action- Pray that COVID-19 would be contained in India.
- Ask God to use the relief kits to bring many people in India to the Gospel.
- Covid-19 in India has impacted the poorest of the poor. A gift of $40 will feed a family of 4 for 4 weeks. Will you help them?
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|  | South Korea Bible launch saga continues as officials target ministrySouth Korea (MNN) -- Friday brought perfect conditions to launch four Bible balloons into North Korea, which only happens ten or 12 times a year. Stress, however, remains high for Pastor Eric Foley and Voice of the Martyrs Korea. South Korea’s government is spreading false allegations about VOM Korea and police are raiding workers’ homes. Ask the Lord to protect Pastor Foley and VOM Korea, and help us spread the word at Mission-News-dot-org. Call to action- Pray North Koreans who discover the Bible balloons will encounter Christ by reading Scripture.
- Ask the Lord to protect Pastor Eric Foley and VOM Korea staff.
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