| In This Issue: Religious discrimination in Pakistan magnified by coronavirus | Christians denied food in Pakistan, but the Church is providing | Japan finally social distancing after April COVID-19 wave | Three Prime ministers in two months: Iraq’s political struggles continue | Haiti declares victory over coronavirus, but celebration may be premature | | |
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Religious discrimination in Pakistan magnified by coronavirus
Pakistan (MNN) — We reported yesterday that Christians and Hindus are often being passed over by Muslims for emergency food distribution. The lockdowns in Pakistan have slowed the coronavirus, but leave many poor Christian families in desperate straits. Daniel of Operation Mobilization says, “It's a normal practice, which Muslims do with the Christians or Hindus: that is, discrimination. Discrimination is very much common. And it is just another addition to whatever was happening to the Christians or Hindus in Pakistan.” Daniel says many Christians have even been denied jobs in Pakistan as a result of their religion. “I must credit here, the Christian organizations or generous people who are Christian, who are believers, and they are taking care of their communities. There are many Christian organizations, and a [few] churches as well who are coming forward and supporting or helping Christians in Pakistan and even we are extending help to the Muslims and even to the Hindus.” Operation Mobilization works with poor Pakistani people, teaching them the importance of social distancing and giving them hygiene kits. Pray they would be protected from the coronavirus, and that religious discrimination in Pakistan would end.
Call to action
- Pray that the coronavirus would be stopped, whether by vaccine or treatment, and that people in Pakistan would be kept safe.
- Consider supporting churches and organizations helping poor Pakistanis fight the coronavirus.
- Pray that Pakistan would no longer be a place of religious discrimination.
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Christians denied food in Pakistan, but the Church is providing
Pakistan (MNN) — The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom has released a statement expressing concern about Christians and Hindus being excluded from food distribution in Pakistan. As the country shuts down work due to Covid-19, many laborers don’t have enough money for their daily food. Jonathan, a Christian worker focused in Pakistan, says, “It doesn't appear that these are the official policies of particular organizations, but these are maybe overly zealous workers that are telling people, ‘Oh, you need to recite the Muslim creed.’ Or ‘You should become a Muslim, we're not going to give you food unless you become a Muslim.’ And that has happened.” Giving to the poor is one of the five Pillars of Islam, so many Muslims would rather their donations go to fellow Muslims. However, Christians in Pakistan have rallied around their brothers and sisters. The Pakistani Church is digging really deep into its own resources, and really stepping up to the plate where they're identifying individual families within each church. And people within the Church are giving just hugely, generously, an entire month salary or two months’ salary.” Three million Christians live in Pakistan, and Jonathon says, “Traditionally, they have been sort of at the bottom rungs of society. They've been sanitation workers, and they came out of the lowest castes of Hinduism.” Pray that all Pakistani Christians would be fed during this difficult time.
Call to action
- Thank the Lord for Christians in Pakistan, and pray that they will all have enough food during this difficult time.
- Consider supporting the Christians in Pakistan as they support each other.
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Japan finally social distancing after April COVID-19 wave
Japan (MNN) — Japan has declared a state of emergency after a new wave of confirmed coronavirus cases. Takeshi Takazawa (ta-KAY-she ta-ka-ZA-wa) of Asian Access says, “I think the number has been steadily growing, but our country decided to limit the PCR test to see positive or negative.” As testing increases, so do the numbers, causing concern in Japan over the capacity of the hospitals to treat all the patients. The country has finally adopted tighter social distancing measures. “It's been very difficult in dense city like Tokyo or Osaka. We're trying to do it. In the downtown, business area has been reduced significantly. But in the residential area, people are still walking around.” Takazawa says Asian Access has been forced to move their ministry online. Pray for Christians in Japan as the country fights the coronavirus. They are already praying for us. “We are remembering other countries, like New York’s situation and other states that are increasingly having the cases. We are praying for the leaders, medical staff, and all these brothers and sisters in North America.”
Call to action
- Pray that Japanese Christians will encourage others through their fearless commitment to Christ.
- Ask the Holy Spirit to stop the spread of the coronavirus in Japan and around the world.
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Three Prime ministers in two months: Iraq’s political struggles continue
Iraq (MNN) — Iraq has installed its third prime minister in two months as different groups struggle for power. Samuel from Redemptive Stories explains the political complexity. “Maybe for Americans, we could say it's like having five different political parties. You have the Christians that have their own party. You have the Shia Muslims that have their own party, you have the Sunni Muslims. Even the other minority religious groups within the country also have their own political parties. That affects regionally as well. Even within the country of Iraq, there are different regions or sections that are controlled by some of these political parties, or militias which are connected to these political parties.” Samuel hopes that once the coronavirus pandemic regresses, the people of Iraq can have a better discussion about how to govern the country. For now, though, many Iraqis have seen the government cannot provide hope, and have turned to Christ. Samuel encourages Christians to pray that Jesus would comfort his Church in Iraq, and, “That God would use all these different things that are happening to shake the foundations of the Middle East, in order to shake the pillars of Islam and in order to bring more and more people to Himself.”
Call to action
- Pray that Christ would comfort his people in Iraq, and that they would be kept safe from the coronavirus.
- Ask God to use the distress caused by the pandemic to shake the pillars of Islamic belief in the Middle East.
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Haiti declares victory over coronavirus, but celebration may be premature
Haiti (MNN) — Haiti has declared victory over the coronavirus, and plans to reopen factories. The country has seen just over 40 confirmed cases with 3 deaths. Eve Dehart of For Haiti With Love says the first cases came on a plane from France, and when the airports shut down, the burn clinic lost access to needed supplies. “We were pretty devastated, but the Lord opened enough doors for them to get a permission to fly cargo only flight. And it was only about two or three days and our medicines were in place. We were ready before anything started taking place.”Haiti has tested relatively few people, and many worry a significant outbreak could still come. But most Haitians can’t afford to follow intense social distancing guidelines like many other countries. “They don't have big pantries. They don't have a storage of food, and they don't have the money to do it. They go out and hustle everything, all day for the food for that day. And as a country, they just said they couldn't do lockdown. They would take their chances with the virus.” Dehart points out that Haitians can’t even wash their hands without leaving their homes to get water. Pray that God would prevent a large coronavirus outbreak in Haiti.
Call to action
- Pray that Haiti really has seen the worst of the coronavirus pandemic.
- Ask God to work in the country of Haiti, that poverty would diminish and the hope of Christ would flourish.
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