Weekly MNN Prayer Requests for Dec 18, 2020 04:00 amMission Network News por gmail.mcsv.net |
| sex., 18 de dez. 16:02 (há 19 horas)
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| | In This Issue: Troubling details emerge as Ethiopia restores Tigray communication | USCIRF releases report on global blasphemy laws | South Korea bans balloon launches into North Korea | US and other countries begin COVID-19 vaccine rollout | Lebanese prime minister charged after Beirut Explosion | | | | |  | | | |    | | | | |  | | | | | | |  | Troubling details emerge as Ethiopia restores Tigray communicationEthiopia (MNN) -- Ethiopia’s military says they’ve had no civilian deaths since hostilities began in the Tigray region last month. However, Ethiopian doctors tell BBC News a different story. Two physicians who escaped the war zone report multiple civilian casualties. Voice of the Martyrs’ Todd Nettleton says communication has been a problem from the start. Pray for believers stuck in the war zone. Ask the Lord to protect them from potential threats. Call to action- Pray for believers stuck in the conflict zone. Ask the Lord to protect them from potential threats.
- Pray for peace, and pray for discernment as government leaders decide how to move forward.
| | | Continue Reading › | | | | | | |  | USCIRF releases report on global blasphemy lawsPakistan (MNN) -- A new report from the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom details 84 countries that keep blasphemy laws. These laws criminalize speech or writing against certain religions. The most egregious enforcers include Pakistan, Iran, Egypt, and Russia. Bruce Allen of FMI says some of the countries on the list may come as a surprise. “You're going to find a country like Switzerland on the list, or Germany. So it's pervasive. Most of the places, most of the countries 84 countries are in Africa, and Asia, as would be expected, but there are others elsewhere too.” Allen says these laws can encourage the mistreatment of religious minorities. “Essentially, governments are trying to safeguard the sensibilities of perhaps the majority population and their view on religion. So they're saying, ‘Do not insult the leaders, our sacred writings, our traditions, the way we practice something.’” Bruce asks listeners to pray that lawmakers in these countries would have the courage to make a change. “Even if they're not Christ-followers, we know that God raises up the lawmakers, and uses men and women to affect his purposes on Earth. So let's pray that God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Call to action- Pray lawmakers in these 84 countries would have the courage to change these laws and protect the vulnerable.
- Ask God to protect and strengthen Ismail and the other Christians worshipping Jesus in the madrasa.
| | | Continue Reading › | | | | | | |  | South Korea bans balloon launches into North KoreaSouth Korea (MNN) — The government of South Korea has officially banned the practice of launching balloons into North Korea. Many worry this law could infringe on the freedom of speech in the country. Eric Foley of Voice of the Martyrs Korea explains. “On the one hand, the legislators who passed it say, ‘Well, no, this is really narrowly focused to make sure that you know that the people who will be penalized are people who put Korean South Korean citizens lives in danger through balloon launching.’ But on the other hand, the language itself of the law is quite broad. And in fact, as numerous analysts have pointed out, it actually criminalizes things that are very difficult to prosecute, for example, the intent to launch balloons.” Christians have often used balloon launching to get the Gospel into North Korea, but recently South Korean authorities have been stopping them. Foley even faces charges for his past balloon launches. “As a person who's being prosecuted, I want people to understand I'm not worried. I believe that there's much more going on here than legislative power. I think God's hand is at work, I know God's hand is at work. And that's why I have a deep peace about this.” Pray God would strengthen Christian brothers and sisters in North Korea, and pray that many more would come to embrace Christ as Lord. Call to action- Pray for Christian brothers and sisters in North Korea, that Jesus would strengthen them.
- Pray the Gospel would continue to spread in North Korea.
- Ask God to comfort Foley as he faces charges for getting the Gospel into North Korea.
| | | Continue Reading › | | | | | | |  | US and other countries begin COVID-19 vaccine rolloutJapan (MNN) — This week, the company Pfizer will deliver an estimated 2.9 million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine to locations around the US. The UK has already begun using the vaccine, which was developed by the German company BioNTech. It’s a hopeful moment in a time when millions around the world suffer under sickness or lockdown. As Japan prepares its vaccine rollout, Takeshi Takazawa of Asian Access says many Japanese remain pessimistic. Do we have enough? Oh, you have to keep it in a very cold fridge? Do we have enough fridge? Those [things] grabs attention way more than what it might provide for us. So people are hopeful but keep saying, you know, regular people will not get it. Maybe after the Olympics.” Japan postponed the 2020 Olympic Games due to COVID-19, a move which Takazawa says devastated the Japanese people. However, the country now plans to host the games in Tokyo this summer. In the meantime, “Please pray that people of Japan will seek out to God who created us, created this world. That's one. And then, the god of this world has done a great job shielding sight of Japanese people say not to see the future hope, but the problem of the current and the present. So pray that the people will be able to seek out the hope in the future.” Call to action- Pray many Japanese will seek out God during a difficult time in which many have no hope.
| | | Continue Reading › | | | | | | |  | Lebanese prime minister charged after Beirut ExplosionLebanon (MNN) — Lebanon’s prime minister and three former ministers have been charged in connection with the August 4th Beirut Explosion. Thirty port officials have also been detained in the case. But Pierre Houssney of Horizons International says, “Hassan Diab, the Prime Minister, he's really somebody that came in pretty recently. And it's kind of silly to give him the responsibility for really what the power brokers have done over the past, like seven years of having all these explosives in the port. So, it's really not his fault at all. And basically, it's just looking like they're trying to put up the weakest scapegoat that they can to themselves escape scrutiny.” The explosion decimated Beirut’s port, damaged buildings throughout the city, and accelerated Lebanon’s economic decline. Over half of Lebanese now live below the poverty line. “To me, all these headlines and politics, those are not the really significant things. To me, the significance is the is human suffering that's going on right now. Because of all this corruption and the stealing of all these billions of dollars." Jesus knows the hopelessness and suffering many in Lebanon feel right now. As Horizons International provides help and hope, pray many would see His love in this work. Call to action- Pray many would see Jesus' love and care in the work of Horizons International.
- Pray Lebanon would get leaders that care about the welfare of their people.
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