quarta-feira, 13 de maio de 2020

Mission Network News for May 12, 2020 05:00 am

 In This Issue: Calamities in Iran see many Iranians looking for Jesus Christ. | Between coronavirus and locusts, Kenya’s rural communities overwhelmed | Prayer needed for Sudan’s largest UPG | 
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Calamities in Iran see many Iranians looking for Jesus Christ.

Iran (MNN) — A county in Southwestern Iran has been placed in lockdown following a new spike of COVID-19 cases. Iran has suffered one calamity after another this year, between COVID-19, US sanctions, and even a locust plague. Just this past week, Iran suffered an earthquake and lost a ship during a military training accident.... Read more

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Between coronavirus and locusts, Kenya’s rural communities overwhelmed

Kenya (MNN) -- For Kenya’s rural communities, the coronavirus couldn’t have come at a worse time. Kenyan farmers were struggling with a locust infestation and food supplies were dangerously low. Now, with COVID-19, people can’t go to work or make money to buy what little food is left. Kenya Hope’s Joy Mueller says they’ve been teaching... Read more

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Prayer needed for Sudan’s largest UPG

Sudan (MNN) -- Ken*, a Gospel worker focused on Sudan, says believers in this north African nation were severely persecuted for decades. Now, political openness is creating Gospel opportunities. A new collaborative effort is underway to reach five “language clusters” in Sudan. Language clusters are groups of UPGs who speak a common language. The Sudanese... Read more

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