| In This Issue: North Korea leader Kim Jong-un probably isn’t seriously ill | India, China reject USCIRF report | Pandemic, economic fallout double refugees’ woes | Belarus and Russia brace for their own COVID-19 peaks | USCIRF to release religious freedom report tomorrow | | |
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North Korea leader Kim Jong-un probably isn’t seriously ill
North Korea (MNN) — You may have heard speculation the last couple weeks that North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un faces serious health problems. Pastor Eric Foley, of Voice of the Martyrs Korea says, “It's important to understand that that not a single credible source has given an indication of what is happening inside of North Korea. And in terms of Kim Jong Un’s health, the health of the Kim family, their physical location, and the details of their lives are the most carefully guarded secrets in North Korea.” This information, Foley says, will not appear on a social media news feed, or even on one of the top US media sites. “Speculation into the health of the leaders is a fool's errand. It ends up using a lot of time and resources that are always much better spent on knowledgeable prayer for North Korean Christians and for the people of North Korea.” The remarkable news out of north Korea, Foley says, has nothing to do with Kim’s health. “It is the unprecedented opportunity that's happening with how Christians are using this very difficult time of the coronavirus to be able to continue to share the Gospel. That is verified news from inside of North Korea.”
Call to action
- Pray that Christ would be with His Church in North Korea, protecting them and filling them with joy.
- Ask God to continue building His kingdom in North Korea.
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India, China reject USCIRF report
International (MNN) -- Indian authorities reject the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom’s annual report, which recommends sanctions and a “country of particular concern” (CPC) designation. Chinese officials had a similar reaction, accusing the U.S. of using religion to interfere in China's affairs.
Call to action
- Pray that God would use this report to reduce religious discrimination around the world.
- Ask the Lord to bless and encourage believers in each country on the USCIRF list.
- Pray that persecutors in every nation will come to know and accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
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Pandemic, economic fallout double refugees’ woes
Middle East (MNN) -- Today marks exactly seven weeks since the World Health Organization began describing COVID-19 as a “global pandemic.” Since March 11th, the number of infections worldwide climbed from 130-thousand to three-million-plus. The pandemic is hitting Middle East refugees especially hard. “Peter” from the prayer ministry Cry Out Now says the believers who typically help refugees are stuck inside by lockdown orders. They feel helpless, and they’re asking God to intervene. Want to join them? We’ll get you started at Mission-News-dot-org.
Call to action
- Pray for an increase of dreams and visions among refugees. Ask the Lord to make His name known to these people groups.
- Pray for provision and blessing upon refugees.
- Ask the Lord to strengthen and encourage His followers as they intercede for refugees and extend physical help.
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Belarus and Russia brace for their own COVID-19 peaks
Belarus (MNN) — The United States may have passed the peak of its coronavirus outbreak, but countries like Russia and Belarus still face an uphill climb. Belarus in particular has not prepared well, as large gathering still have not been banned. Eric Mock of Slavic Gospel Association compares the government’s response to another disaster from recent history. “Much like it was during the days of Chernobyl, when the advent of the disaster hit and radiation was beginning to travel throughout the southern region of Belarus, I think in the next few weeks, we're going to see the same thing where the lack of response early on, much like it did under Chernobyl, has allowed the virus to be spread pretty significantly.” This will harm Belarus’s most vulnerable. One orphanage in the country has already seen the virus spread to its staff and children. Mock describes the plight of a second orphanage. "We received an email talking about a particular orphanage in Belarus, where the orphanage was closed due to the quarantine. Seventy percent of the kids are from broken homes, where thirty percent are true orphans. But a lot of these kids, what they did during the quarantine is they send them back either to the broken homes that they're at, which is tragic for these kids.”
Call to action
- Pray for the Church in Belarus, that Christians there would proclaim the risen Christ as their only hope, and that they would be safe from the coronavirus.
- Ask God to help the orphanages in Belarus that are suffering due to the coronavirus.
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USCIRF to release religious freedom report tomorrow
International (MNN) — The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) will release its annual report tomorrow, detailing the countries most guilty of restricting religious freedoms. Todd Nettleton of Voice of the Martyrs USA expects to see all the usual suspects highlighted, countries like North Korea, Iran, and Pakistan. He is interested to see what (USCIRF) will have to say about China and India. “When you think about pastor Wang Yi, the day after Christmas being sentenced to nine years in prison, the longest prison sentence we've seen for a Han Chinese pastor in several years, seems to be yet another sign that things are going the wrong direction for religious freedom in China.” In India, Nettleton points to new citizenship laws making it increasingly difficult for non-Hindus to be citizens. Can this report accomplish anything? Maybe, Nettleton says. USCRIF releases its finding to the State Department. They have to decide what to do about it. They actually designate countries of particular concern, and then that plays into our foreign policy interactions with those countries. This is kind of the first step in that process of our US government making religious freedom an issue in our foreign policy.” Keep an eye out for tomorrow’s report, and pray that it will lead to action.
Call to action
- Pay attention to which political leaders value religious freedom for all people.
- Pray that God would use this report to reduce religious discrimination around the world.
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