sábado, 11 de julho de 2020

Mission Network News for Jun 29, 2020 04:00 am

 In This Issue: South Korea Bible launch saga continues as officials target ministry | ABTS Lebanon switches to an online education program | Passion fuels Perry Lahaie’s work with Frontiers USA | 
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Mission Network News | a ministry of OneWay

South Korea Bible launch saga continues as officials target ministry

South Korea (MNN) -- Friday brought perfect conditions to launch four Bible balloons into North Korea, which only happens ten or 12 times a year. Stress, however, remains high for Pastor Eric Foley and Voice of the Martyrs Korea. South Korea’s government is spreading false allegations about VOM Korea and police are raiding workers’ homes.... Read more

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ABTS Lebanon switches to an online education program

Lebanon (MNN) — Layers of chaos in Lebanon have caused Arab Baptist Theological Seminary (ABTS) to rethink its residency program. President Elie Haddad says Lebanon’s financial struggles and COVID-19 mean the school can’t have students living on campus full time anymore. “We came up with what we're calling the modified residency program where instead of... Read more

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Passion fuels Perry Lahaie’s work with Frontiers USA

Muslim people groups are among the most unreached with the Gospel and Perry Lahaie, alongside Frontiers, works to change that. Their mission is to ‘invite all Muslim people to follow Jesus, with love and respect.’ “There are over 1000 Muslim people groups that right now we would consider unengaged, that means that there’s nobody on the... Read more

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